These parameters enhance the data displayed in columns and rows on the Portfolio Monitor. You can change basic formatting, such as colors, font, and alignment; create conditions for marking cells; add a histogram to cells; and compare cells using a heatmap.
Parameters can be applied to:
• symbol rows;
• study and condition columns when columns are grouped by chart type (when chart type is the master heading and studies and conditions are subheadings);
• chart columns when the column are grouped by studies and conditions (when studies and conditions are the master heading and chart types are subheadings);
• Price and Price NC columns.
When a cell meets several parameters:
• Conditional Coloring has the highest priority, followed by Heatmap, Histogram, Basic Formatting, and preferences, which have the least priority.
• Column formatting has priority over row formatting.
When you copy the monitor to Excel, the cells retain their formatting, with the exception of the histogram.
Parameters are reset when you close the Portfolio Monitor window. Parameters are saved when you close QTrader, when you import and export pages, and when you replicate the monitor.