The CQG gateway sends this message in response to a client’s Security Definition Request (c).
For existing UDS, future, options, or native strategy specification requests (SecurityRequestType=0), it indicates whether the request was accepted (matching UDS, future, options, or native strategy found) or rejected (matching UDS, future, options, or native strategy not found). If accepted, it includes the leg definition of the strategy in case of UDS and native strategy, and contract specification in case of future or options.
For new UDS definition requests (SecurityRequestType=1), this message indicates whether the request was accepted or rejected. If accepted, it includes the symbol name that the client/gateway will use to identify the contract in all future messages (e.g. orders on that contract, or execution reports involving that contract) until the defined UDS will become non-tradable.
• This response does not duplicate the complete leg definition of the strategy; requesting client is expected to know that already.
• If the UDS becomes non-tradable and your requests (orders, etc) are rejected, then re-define the strategy.
However, be aware that the newly defined strategy may have another symbol.
Currently, only CQG symbology is supported to identify leg contracts, although leg definition includes tags for custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings for future use. When custom contract symbol mappings are supported, several additional tags will be present along with each UnderlyingSymbol (311) tag: UnderlyingSymbolSfx (312), UnderlyingSecurityID (309), UnderlyingIDSource (305), UnderlyingSecurityType (310), UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear (313), UnderlyingMaturityDay (314), UnderlyingMaturityDate (50542), UnderlyingSecurityExchange (308), UnderlyingExDestination (20051), UnderelyingExchangeKeyID (20121).
Tag |
Name |
Format |
Req |
Comments | |||
Standard Header |
Y |
MsgType = d | |||
167 |
SecurityType |
String |
N |
Indicates type of security. | |||
200 |
MaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Month and year of the maturity. Format: YYYYMM. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | |||
201 |
PutOrCall |
Int |
N |
Indicates whether an option is a put or call. Valid values: 0 = Put 1 = Call | |||
202 |
StrikePrice |
Price |
N |
Strike Price for an option. | |||
205 |
MaturityDay |
Int |
N |
Day of
the maturity. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | |||
207 |
SecurityExchange |
String |
N |
Market used to help identify a security. | |||
320 |
SecurityReqID |
String(64) |
Y |
Unique ID for this request as assigned by the FIX client and sent with the Security Definition Request. | |||
322 |
SecurityResponseID |
String(64) |
Y |
Unique ID of this Security Definition. | |||
323 |
SecurityResponseType |
Int |
C* |
Valid values: 1 = Accept security proposal as is 5 = Reject security proposal Required when response is to a Security Definition Request with SecurityRequestType = 1. | |||
393 |
TotalNumSecurities |
Int |
Y |
Total number of securities. Security definition is used only to respond to a single UDS definition request or request for specifications, so the CQG gateway always sends 1 if the strategy definition was successful or if the strategy was found and 0 if it was unsuccessful/not found. | |||
541 |
MaturityDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Date of maturity. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | |||
20140 |
TickSize |
Price |
N |
Minimal contract price increment. | |||
50461 |
CFICode |
String |
N |
Indicates the type of security as per ISO 10962 standard. For futures: FXXXXX; For options: OPXXXX, OCXXXX; For spreads: MXXXXX; For other instruments: XXXXXX. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |||
50762 |
SecuritySubType |
String |
N |
Sub-type qualification/identification of the SecurityType(167). For SecurityType(167) = "MLEG" CQG can provide the name of the futures strategy, such as Calendar, Crack, Butterfly, etc. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |||
55 |
Symbol |
String(64) |
N |
Symbol for the UDS. This tag is present only if the definition was successful or the strategy was found. | |||
15 |
Currency |
String(64) |
C |
Currency code associated with the price. Sent only if tag 150 (ExecType) is 1 (Partial Fill) or 2 (Fill) on reports for single securities. For multi-leg securities, tag 50556 (LegCurrency) is populated instead. Currency format is ISO-4217-based currency code, note that cryptos use codes that are ISO-4217-style, though usually not actual ISO codes and can be longer than 3 chars. | |||
58 |
Text |
String |
N |
Free format text string. If the definition was rejected or the strategy not found, this tag should be present and contain information about the reason for failure. | |||
20049 |
UserStrategyType |
String(64) |
C |
Indicates strategy type the user defining the strategy specified. Required if SecurityRequestType=0 and strategy was found. | |||
20119 |
ExchangeKeyID |
String(10) |
N |
Unique identifier, assigned by the CQG gateway, for exchange. | |||
20144 |
CurrentTickSize |
Price |
N |
Current tick size value for contracts that changes it when the front month changes. | |||
20145 |
MinimumTickSize |
Price |
N |
Minimum tick size value for contracts that changes it when the front month changes. | |||
20146 |
MaximumTickSize |
Price |
N |
Maximum tick size value for contracts that changes it when the front month changes. | |||
20607 |
ContractDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Contract date of the symbol. | |||
20608 |
ContractDay |
Int |
N |
Contract day of the symbol. Contains day of month
(1-31). | |||
20609 |
ContractMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Contract month and year of the symbol. Format: YYYYMM. | |||
20638 |
SimMode |
Boolean |
N |
Indicate whether the UDS contract should be defined in simulation mode. Default=N | |||
Start of component block, expanded in line < PriceBasedVariableTickSizeGrp > | |||||||
20141 |
NoPriceBasedTickSizes |
Int |
C |
Number of MinPrice/TickSize pairs for contracts which have a tick size that changes according to price level. | |||
➔ |
20142 |
MinimumPrice |
Price |
Y |
Minimum contract price that changes a tick size value. | ||
➔ |
20143 |
PriceBasedTickSize |
Price |
Y |
Minimum price increment according to price level. | ||
End of component block, expanded in line < PriceBasedVariableTickSizeGrp > | |||||||
Start of component block, expanded in line < UnderlyingSecurityGrp > | |||||||
146 |
NoRelatedSym |
Int |
C |
Number of legs that make up the Security (UDS). UDS are always defined from the buy perspective, so leg qty and sides below correspond to buying the strategy. Required if SecurityRequestType=0. | |||
➔ |
20050 |
LegNumber |
Int |
C |
Leg number within the strategy (1-based). Must be the first field in the repeating group. Required if NoRelatedSym > 0. | ||
➔ |
311 |
UnderlyingSymbol |
String(64) |
C |
Contract of the leg. Corresponds to Symbol (55); see description in New Order Single (D). Required if NoRelatedSym > 0. | ||
➔ |
312 |
UnderlyingSymbolSfx |
String |
N |
Corresponds to SymbolSfx (65); see description in New Order Single (D). | ||
➔ |
309 |
UnderlyingSecurityID |
String |
N |
Corresponds to SecurityID (48); see description in New Order Single (D). | ||
➔ |
305 |
UnderlyingIDSource |
String |
N |
Corresponds to IDSource (22); see description in New Order Single (D). | ||
➔ |
310 |
UnderlyingSecurityType |
String |
N |
Indicates type of security. Valid values: FUT, OPT, and MLEG. | ||
➔ |
313 |
UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Format: YYYYMM. Corresponds to MaturityMonthYear (200); see description in New Order Single (D). | ||
➔ |
314 |
UnderlyingMaturityDay |
Int |
N |
Corresponds to MaturityDay (205); see description in New Order Single (D). | ||
➔ |
315 |
UnderlyingPutOrCall |
Int |
N |
Corresponds to PutOrCall (201); see description in New Order Single (D). | ||
➔ |
316 |
UnderlyingStrikePrice |
Price |
N |
Corresponds to StrikePrice (202); see description in New Order Single (D). | ||
➔ |
50542 |
UnderlyingMaturityDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Corresponds to MaturityDate (541); see description in New Order Single (D). | ||
➔ |
308 |
UnderlyingSecurityExchange |
String |
N |
Corresponds to SecurityExchange (207); see description in New Order Single (D). | ||
➔ |
435 |
UnderlyingCouponRate |
Price |
N |
Corresponds to CouponRate (223); see description in New Order Single (D). | ||
➔ |
50463 |
UnderlyingCFICode |
String |
N |
Underlying security's CFICode as per ISO 10962 standard. For futures: FXXXXX; For options: OPXXXX, OCXXXX; For spreads: MXXXXX; For other instruments: XXXXXX. | ||
➔ |
20051 |
UnderlyingExDestination |
String |
N |
Corresponds to ExDestination (100); see description in New Order Single (D). | ||
à |
318 |
UnderlyingCurrency |
String(64) |
N |
Underlying security's currency. Currency format is ISO-4217-based currency code, note that cryptos use codes that are ISO-4217-style, though usually not actual ISO codes and can be longer than 3 chars. | ||
➔ |
319 |
RatioQty |
Qty |
C |
This leg’s quantity ratio. Required if NoRelatedSym > 0. | ||
➔ |
54 |
Side |
Char |
C |
This leg’s side. Valid values: 1 = Buy 2 = Sell Required if NoRelatedSym > 0. | ||
➔ |
20121 |
UnderlyingExchangeKeyID |
String(10) |
N |
Corresponds to ExchangeKeyID field (tag 20119). See in Confirmation/Acknowledgement: Execution Report message. | ||
➔ |
20147 |
UnderlyingTickSize |
Price |
N |
Minimal leg contract price increment. | ||
➔ |
20151 |
UnderlyingCurrentTickSize |
Price |
N |
Current tick size value for leg contracts that changes it when the front month changes. | ||
➔ |
20152 |
UnderlyingMinimumTickSize |
Price |
N |
Minimum tick size value for leg contracts that changes it when the front month changes. | ||
➔ |
20153 |
UnderlyingMaximumTickSize |
Price |
N |
Maximum tick size value for leg contracts that changes it when the front month changes. | ||
à |
20613 |
UnderlyingContractDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Contract date of the Underlying
Symbol. | ||
à |
20614 |
UnderlyingContractDay |
Int |
N |
Contract day of the Underlying Symbol. Contains day of
month (1-31). | ||
à |
20615 |
UnderlyingContractMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Contract month and year of the Underlying Symbol. Format: YYYYMM. | ||
à |
50566 |
LegPrice |
Price |
N |
Price of covering futures contract. Tag is present only for a Covered options UDS. | ||
à |
51017 |
LegOptionDelta |
Float |
N |
Delta used to calculate the quantity of futures used to cover the option or options spread. Value range depends on specific exchange rules. | ||
Start of component block, expanded in line <UnderlyingPriceBasedTickSizeGrp> | |||||||
20148 |
NoUnderlyingPriceBasedTickSizes |
Int |
C |
Number of MinPrice/TickSize pairs for leg contracts which have a tick size that changes according to price level. | |||
➔ |
➔ |
20149 |
UnderlyingMinimumPrice |
Price |
N |
Minimum leg contract price that changes a tick size value. | |
➔ |
➔ |
20150 |
UnderlyingPriceBasedTickSize |
Price |
N |
Leg contract minimum price increment according to price level. | |
End of component block, expanded in line < UnderlyingPriceBasedTickSizeGrp > | |||||||
End of component block, expanded in line <UnderlyingSecurityGrp> | |||||||
Standard Trailer |
Y |
Example: Security Definition
8=FIX.4.2 | 9=113 | 35=d | 320=Request113 | 322=214673df-7906-408e-bf6e-915568689eff | 323=1 | 393=1 | 55=U.Q1-641347 | 10=110 |