Creating Alerts

All alerts are created the same way:

      Open the alert window.

      Set alert parameters.

      Set alert actions.

      Turn on the alert.


Insert row

To insert a new row between alerts, right click the Name or Issue field, then click Insert Row. A row is inserted above the current row.

Copy alert

As a short cut, you can also copy an alert and change the parameters to create a new alert. Right-click the Name or Issue field for copy and paste menu items. You can also use standard shortcuts, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.

Filter alerts

Alerts on the Condition, Price, Study, and Trade system windows can be filtered. Right-click the title bar.

Remove alert

      To clear an alert (remove alert but not the row)

Right-click the Name or Issue field, then click Clear Alert. The row remains, but the alert information is removed.

      To delete an alert (remove alert and row)

Right-click the Name or Issue field, then click Delete Alert. The row is deleted.

      To delete all alerts

Right-click the Name or Issue field, then click Delete All.

Open another application

To open a chart, Time & Sales, or trading application, click the Name or Issue field, point to Display, then click the window name.