SnapTrader Components

Market Mode and Selected Price Mode




Buy and Sell buttons

Click to submit orders. When you hover the mouse over the BUY MKT and SELL MKT buttons, the buy and sell limit buttons are displayed.

Center button

Click return to market mode from selected price mode.

Drag bar

Click and drag to move SnapTrader to another location on the chart.

Price field

Best ask is indicated by A. Best bid is indicated by B.

Size field

Order size. Default quantity is set in risk preferences.

Up and down buttons

Used to move between prices.


Use of these components is detailed in Placing Orders with SnapTrader.


Order Type

The order type menu is displayed when you right-click the order type icon on the buy or sell button:


The duration menu is displayed when you right-click the duration icon on the buy or sell button:


SnapTrader and SnapTrader 2 colors are determined by the selections in Trading Display Preferences and chart colors (Setup > Chart Colors).

In market mode, buy and sell button colors are determined by the buy and sell button colors in trading display preferences.

In selected price mode, the background color is the same as the chart background color. The font and frame reflect the buy and sell button colors in trading display preferences.

Trading Display Preferences