Filtering News Stories

CQG has provided almost three dozen pre-set filters for you on the filter menu. These filters include: Currency, Energy, Fiber, Financial, Food, Grain, Metals, Shipping, Technical, USDA, and World News. Filters are based on the keywords provided in the news stories.



You can also enter your own keywords.

To filter by keyword

1.  Click the Filter arrow to open the filter menu.

2.  Click a filter. Headlines for stories with that keyword will be displayed in the story list.

After you choose a filter, it is moved to the top of the list on the filter menu. To remove it, click the X.

To filter by news source

The Sources list allows you to filter stories by source.


1.  Click the Sources arrow to open the sources menu.

2.  Click an individual news source, such as Dow Jones, or click All Sources. Headlines for stories from that source are displayed in the story list.