Reading News Stories

To read a story, click the headline in the story list to view it in the preview pane or to open it in the News Article window.

By default, each story you open is added to the same story window, creating a tabbed view of those stories. Read more about working with tabs.

In addition to the actual article, stories may contain relevant email addresses and website links. Keywords are at the end of the story. Chained stories (indicated by an asterisk) show all of the stories in that chain.

Go to preferences to change how stories are displayed or add the article preview pane to the story list.

To move between headlines

There are several ways to move up and down the story list to find stories:

      Click a headline, and use the up and down arrow keys on the story list.

      Click a headline, and use the mouse wheel to move up and down.

      Click the timeline, and drag the scroll tool to a particular time.

      Click the GoTo arrow in the lower left corner of the News window and enter a time. Click the green arrow to move back to the current time.

When you scroll beyond the timeframe of the stories displayed, the story list divides into two parts. The top of the list always contains the three most recent stories and updates in real-time. The bottom of the list contains the stories for the timeframe you moved to.

If you are looking for a particular story and you remember part of the headline, enter it in the filter field to find that story.

If foreign language characters are not being displayed properly, you may need to change your computer settings. Go to the Control Panel and select Regional and Language Options. On the Advanced tab in the Language for non-Unicode programs section, change the language to match the foreign language displayed in the news stories.