Searching for News Stories

You can search for news stories directly from the News window using the Search field. Your search results are listed in the News Search window.

A search that is too general results in a warning that over 200 headlines were found and is not useful. The search criteria fields help you further define your search:


Be as specific as possible in your search. For example, consider using This exact phrase instead of All of these words. Consider narrowing the results by category or by selecting Last 24 hours instead of Last 7 days.

Additionally, it is not necessary to enter operators, such as AND and OR. If you enter operators in these fields, the system searches for those words. It is likely that you will receive an error message asking you to remove common words, as they occur too frequently for the system to return meaningful results.

As with the News and News Story windows, you can add other News Search windows in a tabbed view.

Dow Jones Search Codes can be used also. Search codes can be used in this advanced view only.

How to format search criteria

You can enter a keyword or text. If you enter punctuation, that punctuation is considered part of the search.

You can use these operators to further define your search:

      AND: When you add “AND” between values, the system searches for news stories that contain all of the search values.

If you enter several values without an AND, then the AND is assumed.

      OR: When you add “OR” between values, the system searches for news stories that contain any of the values.

Including OR in your search indicates that you want to search for everything before the OR and everything after the OR. For example, if you enter: Japanese or American car and production, then any story that includes “Japanese” is returned and any story that includes “American car and production” is returned.

      EXC: When you add “EXC” before a value, the system searches for stories that do not include the value following the EXC.

This is the only operator that can begin your search criteria. If you begin the search with “AND” or “OR”, they are ignored.

      - : Adding a hyphen in front of a value works the same way as EXC.

      “ ”: When you place single or double quotes around a value, the system searches for stories that include that exact phrase.

To search for a story

1.  In the Search field, type your search criteria.

2.  Click the Search button. The News Search window opens and is populated with the search results.

You can also open the News Search window directly by right-clicking the News button on the application toolbar, then clicking Add News, and then clicking News Search.

To conduct an advanced search

Advanced searches are both a way to limit the number of stories returned to produce more meaningful results and a way to search for items, such as events.

1.  On the News Search window, select the More search options check box. Additional search options are displayed.

2.  For a text search, type words and phrases that you want to include and exclude in the first three fields.

3.  Optionally, type a Dow Jones code.

4.  Optionally, select a category from the menu.

5.  Optionally, select a timeframe from the menu or enter your own.

6.  If you want to search only the headline and not the entire story, click the Search headlines only check box.

7.  Click Search.

Advanced search criteria are applied to the story and not to the headline. For example “oil AND spill NOT BP” returns headlines with “BP” in the title but without “BP” in the story (such as when “British Petroleum” is used rather than “BP”).

To group and sort search results

On the left side of the News Search window, there are grouping and sorting options.

Grouping indicates how you want stories grouped in the display.

      Click Source to sort by the news source, which is always Dow Jones. This is the default selection.

      Click Category to sort by the first keyword listed in the story. For example, a search for “banking” grouped by category includes Australia, Australian Dollar, Belgium, Brazil, British Pound, Central Bank, etc.

      Click No Grouping to list all of the stories based on the sort parameter you select.

Once you have selected the grouping, select how you want the stories in the group to be sorted.

      Click Name if you want an alphabetical list.

      Click Date/Time if you want a chronological list. This is the default selection.

      Click Source if you want a source list, which is always Dow Jones.