Keyboard Keys Preferences

Keyboard Keys is a comprehensive, customizable set of keyboard shortcuts related to trading.

Each shortcut consists of one or more modifiers - Alt, Ctrl, Shift - followed by some other letter, number, symbol, arrow, or space key.

Shortcuts are either fully modifiable, partially modifiable, or not modifiable.


      To change a shortcut, type a new shortcut in the Shortcut field. For example, to change a shortcut to Alt+Y, hold down the Alt key and then press the Y key.

      To reset the list, click the Reset Shortcuts button. You are asked to confirm this action.

      To delete a shortcut, highlight it and then click the Delete button.

      To print the list, click the print button:

      To expand and collapse the list, click the arrow buttons.

Many of these controls depend on focus being on a particular window. For example, you cannot change the order size on DOMTrader if focus is on a chart. The window in focus is the active window, which means that commands entered on the keyboard impact that window.

Market Order Mode means that focus in on the market price. Buying at market and buying at limit have the same default shortcut, so it’s important to be aware of whether you are in Market Order Mode or not.

To open these preferences, click the Setup button and then click Trading Preferences.

Note: You especially want to be aware of the global buy key and the global sell key, [b] and [s]. See Placing an Order keyboard shortcuts. The Global Buy Key shortcut is a left arrow, so [b] = ←. The Global Sell Key shortcut is a right arrow, so [s] = →. Globally, across all shortcuts, a [b] indicates a left arrow, and [s] indicates right arrow.

Enable keyboard trading

Select this check box to be able to use the keyboard shortcuts you set in Keyboard Keys preferences.

Default trading window

Select this check box to be able to open your preferred order entry display (System Preferences > Misc) using a shortcut. For example, open an order ticket from a chart, monitor, or quote board by pressing F9 on your keyboard.

Select None or Ctrl and F9 or F12 as the shortcut.

Global keyboard shortcuts (Order Desk)




Open Order Desk

Opens Order Desk window.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Q


Open Buy Order Desk

Opens Order Desk window.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+B


Open Sell Order Desk

Opens Order Desk window.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+E



Application Level keyboard shortcuts (preferences and parameters)




Open Preferences

Opens the Trading Preferences window.

Default: Ctrl+P


Open Parameters

Opens the Trading Parameters window.

Default: Ctrl+M


Reset Parameters

Resets the Trading Parameters window to default values.

Default: Ctrl+R



Account Selection keyboard shortcuts




Open Account Picker

Press F11 to open the Account Picker.


Select another account

Press ↑ and ↓ to move up and down the account list.


Use selected account

Press Enter to select the account that’s highlighted.


Select account 1-9

Press Ctrl + number between 1 and 9 to jump directly to that number in the account list.


Close Account Picker

Press F11 or Esc to close the Account Picker.



Navigation keyboard shortcuts




Show/Hide Orders Positions Pane (Order Ticket only)

Shows or hides the Orders & Positions area on Order Ticket window.

Default Ctrl+Alt+Space

Not Ctrl+Alt

Bringing Trading Windows Into Focus

Select next trading window

Moves to the next trading window, especially helpful when you move from a spread trade to one of the legs.

Default: Alt+T

Not Alt

Select previous trading window

Moves to the previous trading window.

Default: Shift+Alt+T

Not Alt

Selecting Tabs

New Tab

Opens a new tab.

Default: Ctrl+T

Not Ctrl

Select Tab to right

Moves to the tab to the right of the current tab.

Default: Ctrl+Page Up

Not Ctrl

Select Tab to left

Moves to the tab to the left of the current tab.

Default: Ctrl+Page Down

Not Ctrl

Selecting a Price

Select the Market Order Mode/Center the Best Bid/Ask

Press Home or Esc to center the best bid and best ask on the DOM ladder and place focus on the market price.


Select a Limit Order price

Press and or Page Up and Page Down to move up and down the prices on the DOM ladder. You can also use the mouse wheel to scroll.


Best Ask

Moves focus to the best ask price on the DOM ladder.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+A

Not Ctrl

Best Bid

Moves focus to the best bid price on the DOM ladder.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+B

Not Ctrl

Level above Best Ask (Ask +1)

Press Ctrl+1 to move focus to the price above the best ask price on the DOM ladder, press Ctrl+2 to move focus the price two ticks above the best ask price, etc.


Level below Best Bid (Bid -1)

Press Ctrl+Alt+1 to move focus to the price below the best bid price on the DOM ladder, press Ctrl+Alt+2 to move focus the price two ticks below the best bid price, etc.



Open/Close strategy order legs

Opens trading windows for the legs of a strategy order.

Default Ctrl+O

Not Ctrl


Create QFormula

Default Ctrl+Q

Not Ctrl

Edit QFormula

Default Ctrl+E

Not Ctrl


Order Properties keyboard shortcuts




Order Size

Set order size

Press a number key or keys to change the order size to that number.


Set order size to match position size

Changes the order size, so that it is identical to position size.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+Z

Not Ctrl

Select default order size

Resets the size to the default.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+.

Not Ctrl

Order Durations

Cycle through available durations

Moves from one duration to the next on the duration menu.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+Q

Not Ctrl

Good-till-cancelled (GTC)

Changes duration to good-till-cancelled on duration menu.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+G

Not Ctrl

Fill and kill (FAK)

Changes duration to fill and kill on duration menu.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+F

Not Ctrl

Fill or kill (FOK)

Changes duration to fill or kill on duration menu.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+K

Not Ctrl

On-open (OO)

Changes duration to on-open on duration menu.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+O

Not Ctrl

On-close (OC)

Changes duration to on-close on duration menu.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+C

Not Ctrl

DAY Good-till-time (GTT)

Changes duration to good-till-time on duration menu.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+D

Not Ctrl

Iceberg (ICBG)

Changes duration to iceberg on duration menu. If you use this shortcut with a synthetic strategy, then Iceberg Strategies are used. If you use this shortcut with an outright, then Iceberg Limits are used.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+I

Not Ctrl

Order Types


Order-Cancels-the-Order (OCO) mode on

Turns on order-cancels-order (OCO) mode, as indicated on the special orders button.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+=

Not Ctrl

Place OCO order and exit OCO mode

Press Enter to place OCO order, and turn off OCO mode.


Exit OCO mode without placing orders

Press Esc to turn off OCO mode; no orders are placed.


Bracket Order (BRKT) mode on

Turns on bracket order mode, as indicated on the special orders button.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+[

Not Ctrl

BRKT mode off

Turns off bracket order mode.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+]

Not Ctrl


Cycle through available limits

Moves from one limit type to the next.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+L

Not Ctrl

Limit (LMT)

Changes the order type to limit.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+M

Not Ctrl


Cycle through available stops

Moves from one stop type to the next in the stop management menu.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+N

Not Ctrl

Stop (STP)

Changes the stop type to stop.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P

Not Ctrl

Stop Limit (STL)

Changes the stop type to stop limit.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L

Not Ctrl

DOM-Triggered Stop (DTS)

Changes the stop type to DOM-triggered stop.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+O

Not Ctrl

DOM-Triggered Stop Limit (DTSL)

Changes the stop type to DOM-triggered stop limit.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+K

Not Ctrl


Cycle through available trailings

Moves from one trailing type to the next in the trailing order management menu.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+T

Not Ctrl

Trailings Off

Turns trailing orders off.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F

Not Ctrl

Trailing Limit

Changes the trailing type to trailing limit.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T

Not Ctrl

Trailing Stop

Changes the trailing type to trailing stop.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S

Not Ctrl

Trailing Limit Trailing Stop

Changes the trailing type to trailing limit and trailing stop.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G

Not Ctrl

Order Hedge type

Cycle through available Hedge types

Moves from one hedge type to the next in the speculation type field.

Default: Ctrl + H

Not Ctrl











Placing an Order keyboard shortcuts

If you change the shortcuts associated with order placement, and if you use the default instead of your custom shortcut, the system changes your shortcut back to the default. For example, if you change Buy Limit @ Last Price to Ctrl+E and instead use Ctrl+f, then the default value is reset to Ctrl+[b].




Park Mode

(Order Ticket only)

Selects the Parked checkbox on Order Ticket.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Y

Not Ctrl

Price Entry Control Focus

(Order Ticket only)

Press Ctrl+Shift+N to move focus to the price field on Order Ticket.


Global Buy Key [b]

This value, Left, is assigned to all instances of [b] in shortcuts, so [b] = .


Global Sell Key [s]

This value, Right, is assigned to all instances of [s] in shortcuts, so [s] = .


In ‘Market Order Mode’

Buy @ the market

In Market Order Mode, places a buy order at the market price.

Default: [b]


Sell @ the market

In Market Order Mode, places a sell order at the market price.

Default: [s]


Buy Limit @ last price

In Market Order Mode, places a buy limit order at the last price.

Default: Ctrl+[b]

Not Ctrl

Sell Limit @ last price

In Market Order Mode, places a sell limit order at the last price.

Default: Ctrl+[s]

Not Ctrl

Buy Limit @ Best Bid

In Market Order Mode, places a buy order at the best bid.

Default: Alt+[b]

Not Alt

Sell Limit @ Best Offer

In Market Order Mode, places a sell order at the best offer.

Default: Alt+[s]

Not Alt

Buy Limit @ Best Offer

In Market Order Mode, places a buy order at the best offer.

Default: Shift+[b]

Not Shift

Sell Limit @ Best Bid

In Market Order Mode, places a sell order at the best bid.

Default: Shift+[s]

Not Shift

With the Selected Price Above or Below the Market

Buy using a Limit or Stop[/Limit] Order

With the selected price above or below the market, places a buy limit, stop, or stop limit order.

Default: [b]


Sell using a Limit or Stop[/Limit] Order

With the selected price above or below the market, places a sell limit, stop, or stop limit order.

Default: [s]


Buy using the Alternate Stop[/Limit] Order

With the selected price above or below the market, places a buy alternate stop or stop limit order. For example, if [b] places a stop, then Ctrl+[b] places a stop and a limit.

Default: Ctrl+[b]

Not Ctrl

Sell using the Alternate Stop[/Limit] Order

With the selected price above or below the market, places a sell alternate stop or stop limit order. For example, if [s] places a stop, then Ctrl+[s] places a stop and a limit.

Default: Ctrl+[s]

Not Ctrl

Buy Limit @ Best Bid

With the selected price above or below the market, places a buy order at the best bid.

Default: Alt+[b]

Not Alt

Sell Limit @ Best Offer

With the selected price above or below the market, places a sell order at the best offer.

Default: Alt+[s]

Not Alt

Buy Limit @ Best Offer

With the selected price above or below the market, places a buy order at the best offer.

Default: Shift+[b]

Not Shift

Sell Limit @ Best Bid

With the selected price above or below the market, places a sell order at the best bid.

Default: Shift+[s]

Not Shift

Study Following Orders

Select price with study - up

Used with Study Following Orders. Press Ctrl+Shift+ to locate prices that have study indicators above your current location.


Select price with study - sown

Used with Study Following Orders. Press Ctrl+Shift+ to locate prices that have study indicators below your current location.


Place Study Following Order on selected Buy Price

Used with Study Following Orders. Press Ctrl+Shift+[b] to place a buy Study Following Order at that price.


Place Study Following Order on selected Sell Price

Used with Study Following Orders. Press Ctrl+Shift+[s] to place a sell Study Following Order at that price.



Modifying an Order keyboard shortcuts




Selecting an Order

Select the nearest Working Order (repeat to cycle)

Press Ctrl to move to the nearest working order.


Select the newest Working Order (repeat to cycle)

Press Ctrl+N to move to the most recent working order.


Select order closest to offer

Default: Ctrl+Shift+A

Not Ctrl+Shift

Select order closest to bid

Default: Ctrl+Shift+D

Not Ctrl+Shift

Select order closest to market

Default: Ctrl+Shift+K

Not Ctrl+Shift

Open Stacked Order Popup in line

Opens summary list of stacked orders near the order column.

Default: Shift+


Close Stacked Order Popup in line

Closes summary list of stacked orders near the order column.

Default: Shift+


Open Buy Stack in Position Line

Opens summary list of stacked orders near the position summary.

Default: Ctrl+Space

Not Ctrl

Open Sell Stack in Position Line

Closes summary list of stacked orders near the position summary.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Space

Not Ctrl+Shift

Highlight Order in the stacked order popup

Press Alt+ or to move up or down the stacked order list.


With a Working Order Selected

Select another Working Order up

Press Alt+to move from selected working order to another on the DOM ladder.

To #

Select another Working Order down

Press Alt+to move from selected working order to another on the DOM ladder.

To $

Modify Order Price up

Press to increase the price of an order (moves the order up the DOM ladder).

If this value is set to Alt+#, then scrolling with the mouse results in moving between working orders.

 To Alt+#

Modify Order Price down

Press to decrease the price of an order (moves the order down the DOM ladder).

If this value is set to Alt+$, then scrolling with the mouse results in moving between working orders.

To Alt+$

Cancel the selected Order

Press Delete to cancel a selected working order.


Activate the selected Buy Order

Press and to activate the working order and move focus to the price column, allowing you to move the order to a different price, for example.


Activate the selected Sell Order

Press and to activate the working order and move focus to the price column, allowing you to move the order to a different price, for example.


View selected order details

Press the spacebar to see the details of a selected working order.


Dismiss selected order details

Press the spacebar or Esc to close the details of a selected working order.


Return to 'Market Order Mode'

Press Home to place focus on the market price.


Return all trading windows to 'Market Order Mode'

Press Ctrl+Home to place focus on the market price on all open trading applications.


With a Working Order Active

Modify the order size

With a working order highlighted, type a new order size using the number keys.


Modify 1 tick up

With a working order highlighted, moves the order up one tick.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+Up

Not Ctrl+Alt

Modify 1 tick down

With a working order highlighted, moves the order down one tick.

Default: Ctrl+Alt+Down

Not Ctrl+Alt

Modify x number of ticks up

With a working order highlighted, press Ctrl+2 to move the order up two ticks, press Ctrl+3 to move the order up three ticks, etc.


Modify x number of ticks down

With a working order highlighted, press Ctrl+Alt+2 to move the order down two ticks, press Ctrl+Alt+3 to move the order down three ticks, etc.


Submit the modified Order (order side arrow key)

With a working order highlighted, either press Enter or press (buy) or (sell) to submit the order.


Discard the order modifications (opposite side arrow key)

With a working order highlighted, either press Esc or press (buy) or (sell) to cancel the order.


Cancel the active order

With a working order highlighted, press Delete to cancel the order.


View active order details

With a working order highlighted, press the spacebar to view order information.


Dismiss active order details

With a working order highlighted and the order details open, press either the spacebar or Esc to close the order details.


Deselect order and return to 'Market Order Mode' (current trading window)

With a working order highlighted, press Home to return to Market Order Mode.


Deselect order and return to 'Market Order Mode' (all open trading windows)

With a working order highlighted, press Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+Esc to return to Market Order Mode on all open trading windows.


Convert to Market Order

Cancels selected outright order(s) and places market order(s) instead. Only incomplete leg orders for strategies can be converted one by one.

Default: Alt+Home

Not Alt

Move to join Best Bid

Moves order to best bid price.

Default: Alt+B

Not Alt

Move to join Best Offer

Moves order to best ask price.

Default: Alt+A

Not Alt

With Stacked Working Orders Selected

Expand to view all orders or collapse expanded orders (toggle)

For stacked working orders. Press the spacebar to expand and collapse the list of all orders in the stack.



Cancel All in this account

Cancels all orders for all symbols for current account.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+X

Not Ctrl

Cancel All orders in all accounts

Cancels all orders for current symbol for all accounts.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E

Not Ctrl

Cancel All Buys

Cancels all buy orders for current symbol and current account.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+B

Not Ctrl

Cancel All Sells

Cancels all sell orders for current symbol and current account.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C

Not Ctrl

Liquidate position for this symbol in this account

Liquidates position for this symbol on this account.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Q

Not Ctrl

Reverse position for this symbol in this account

Reverses position for this symbol on this account.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+V

Not Ctrl

Cancel All

Cancels all orders for current symbol and current account.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A

Not Ctrl

Cancel All Liquidate All

Cancels/Liquidates all orders/positions for all symbols for current account.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N

Not Ctrl

Cancel Global

Cancels all orders for all symbols and all accounts.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M

Not Ctrl

Enable/Disable Trading-Specific Shortcuts



Enable trading-specific shortcuts

Allows you to use keyboard shortcuts. Corresponds to the Enable keyboard trading display preference.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+Home

Not Ctrl

Disable trading-specific shortcuts

Disables the use of keyboard shortcuts. Corresponds to the Enable keyboard trading display preference.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+End

Not Ctrl

Log On and Log Off keyboard shortcuts




Log on

Opens the Order Routing Logon window.

Default: Ctrl+L

Not Ctrl

Log off

Logs you off of the trading gateway.

Default: Ctrl+Shift+L

Not Ctrl+Shift

Price Grid Display keyboard shortcuts





Combination DOM

Press Ctrl+Shift+U to change the DOM, so that it displays a combination of implied and outright data. If you have these buttons displayed on the toolbar, you’ll notice that the button focus changes.


Implied DOM

Press Ctrl+Shift+I to change the DOM, so that it displays implied data.


Outright DOM

Press Ctrl+Shift+O to change the DOM, so that it displays outright data.
