Orders and Positions

This window is used to view and manage orders and positions. It is divided into four panes:

      Accounts: a hierarchical view of your accounts organized by FCM then account.

      Filter: controls used to filter Order and Summary panes, including account, FCM, symbol, date, and trade system.

      Order: order data displayed in several tabbed windows and controls to cancel, replace, and modify orders.

      Summary: information about the selected accounts or account in three tabbed windows.

The selection on the Accounts pane determines the data displayed on the other panes.


To resize the panes, drag the Accounts pane border and the Orders pane border. Click and drag the Accounts pane to move it to the right side of the screen.

Click and drag the Summary pane to move it to the top of the screen.

You can hide the Accounts, Filter, or Summary pane in preferences.

If you are not logged on to trade, then the Orders and Position window title bar indicates “offline.” If the information in the orders and summary panes is displayed in gray, it is an indication to you that the information in those windows may not be current.