
Traders are either customers or in-house personnel who can trade particular accounts. You set the accounts that traders can view or trade for as well as their exchange enablements.

Once you have created a new individual, group, or omnibus account, you use the Accounts pages to establish and maintain:

      Trader Account Mapping

      Trader Authorization

      Product and service enablements, including market data

      Billing Configuration

      Allowable Markets

      FCM/Sales Series Authorization

      Risk Parameters

You can also view, modify, remove, and restore traders.

Order Handler Trader Class

In additional to trading their individual accounts, traders can be authorized to trade across authorized FCM and Sales Series accounts. These traders are referred to as “order handlers.”

To designate a trader as an order handle, an administrator grants permission to a CAST User to modify trader-level risk parameters.

Then, that CAST User authorizes a trader to trade across accounts by selecting Order Handler in the Trader Class field on the Trader Info page. This field is also available on the Create a New Trader page.


Finally, the CAST User sets allowable markets, FCMs and Sales Series, and risk parameters (trade size limit, trade margin limit, margin subsystem, and margin multiplier) for the Order Handler. These pages have are on the Traders menu. Trader-level risk parameters are incorporated into risk calculations and override account allowable markets.

The Order Details page indicates whether an order was placed by an order handler.