
CQG doesn’t only deliver the news; we provide a news application that lets you use the news.

Choose from over two dozen pre-set filters - such as currency, energy, grain, and oil - to find stories that interest you, or create your own filters.

CQG’s robust search capability allows you to refine your search for more meaningful results. Find stories that are in a particular category, that contain certain words and phrases, that exclude other words, or that are from a particular source. Search the last 24 hours, the last week, this month, or the last month.

The most recent headlines are always on top. Scroll up and down the list of headlines or move along the timeline to read previous stories.

Read a story without having to open a new window. Change the font size. Print or email stories with the click of a button. Read news stories from Dow Jones, Market News, and The Hightower Report.

With CQG’s speed of delivery, you can be sure you always have the latest news that’s important to you.

To open News, click the News button on the application toolbar, then click News. If the button is not displayed, click the More button, and then click News. To add the button to the toolbar, use Toolbar Manager.

To open DJ NewsPlus, click the News Button, then click DJ NewsPlus. Contact if you wish to subscribe to this feature.